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Metal Keyring

Metal Keyring

SKU: C0822
Excluding GST

A light easy to pack small gift.




The Kiwi, symbol of New Zealand, is one of the world’s most unique birds.  Flightless, with fur-like plumage, they are nocturnal.  Their keen sense of smell compensates for their poor eyesight. The kiwi’s diet consists of insects, larvae, worms and berries.  They have the distinction of laying one of the world’s largest eggs in relation to its body weight.  It was once widespread throughout New Zealand but sadly the gradual degradation of their natural bush habitat has led to their decline. The Government and private sectors are working together in a successful campaign to preserve the Kiwi for the future.





The silver fern symbol comes from the New Zealand fern – Cyathea Dealbata (Ponga in Maori) and is becoming increasingly recognized overseas as the national symbol of New Zealand.


It was originally adopted by the New Zealand Native Rugby Team which visited England in 1888 and has since formed part of the uniform (or badge) of successive representative sporting teams.


For over a century, it has been the emblem of our sports men and women.  It is used extensively as a symbol by Government, tourism, trade organizations and commercial brands. 


The SILVER FERN says "New Zealand".




(First Man)


The origins of Tiki are uncertain but throughout Maoridom he is acknowledged as the first man and that he came from the stars.


Tiki was respected as the teacher of all things and the bearer of this symbol is therefore seen to possess clarity of thought, loyalty, great inner knowledge and strength of character.




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